"Generating changes", financed jointly by the European Social Fund and initiative of the Regional Ministry of Employment and Woman of the Community of Madrid, wants to capitalize on the resources of the company and promote equality in small and medium companies.
Aener Energia participation in this program has been allowed to institute an equality plan, aimed at encouraging creativity and motivation of workers, thus helping to optimize human resources in order to make them feel part equal the company. The equality plan will make the human team adapts to new ways of working in order to achieve professional excellence.
For Angel Barranco , Aener Energia General Manager, "the establishment of this program is the recognition of a policy that the company has been developing since its inception. In addition, in Aener Energia, we are aware that the best quality of life of working people is a differentiator over the competition. "
Aener Energia, a leading manufacturer of capacitor banks
The Spanish company Aener Energia leads the production of automatic capacitor banks from design, manufacturing and management of the product. There are many private and public companies, in all industries, who have already installed these batteries, capable of reducing the increments by using reactive power: supermarket and hypermarket, hotels, universities, hospitals, malls, national and international airports, leisure parks, insurance companies, car dealers and government agencies such as ministries, official sites, convention centres etc.
About Aener Energia
Aener Energia is a 100% Spanish company based in Madrid which was established in 1994, specialized in saving and power quality. Its main activities are focused on manufacturing of power capacitors, automatic capacitors banks and equipments for the network’s quality such as UPS’s and voltage stabilizers.
From the beginning, Aener Energia has been characterized by providing to the power factor correction market relevant aspects such as integrated product management and service and constant work of R&D+i. Its symbol of identity is the production of a high quality service and attention and personal relationship with its customers.
From the beginning, Aener Energia has been characterized by providing to the power factor correction market relevant aspects such as integrated product management and service and constant work of R&D+i. Its symbol of identity is the production of a high quality service and attention and personal relationship with its customers.
Aener Energia is member of AMEC-AMELEC and AECIM-CEIM, has got ISO9001-2008, DURE approval (